British & Continental Oil Paintings,
Picture Frames & Watercolours
8th & 9th May 1996
This illustrated catalogue is in excellent condition
Price £10.00
Including a fine 16th century Italian Writing Chest, a 16th century rock crystal Reliquary, an American bust of Eve disconsolate by Hiram Powers, and a rare Roman statue of Hercules, 2nd century A.D.
26th November 1985
Good specialist sale
This rare catalogue is in excellent condition
Price £15.00
Subject: Old Master Paintings
Includes property of: Bennington Museum, Dayton Art Museum, The Jewish Museum, Mead Art Museum, Linda Desser, Sandra McElwaine, Peter Tcherepnine, Charles Scully, Samuel Peters, Emery May Holden Norweb, and others
Auction house: Christie’s East, New York
Date: 8 November 1984
Condition: Very Good, includes the results sheet
(Weight: Medium)
Price £16
Ref: 2197
Subject: Old Master Paintings
Includes property of: Edwin Binney, Chrysler Museum Virginia, Stephen Farish, Donald Fenn, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Grace Church Rhode Island, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Vilma Pavlova Micova Rakovska, San Diego Museum of Arts, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, and others
Auction house: Christie’s, New York
Date: 10 October 1990
Condition: Very Good, includes the results sheet
(Weight: Medium)
Price £16
Ref: 2196